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Troughs for pigs and feed tables for cattle

Master Trading Polymer Troughs

High-quality troughs for livestock

Master Trading offers a range of polymer concrete troughs designed for pigs and cattle. The special material composition and the most modern manufacturing technologies provide the ACO polymer concrete outstanding quality.

  • Durable and Hygienic:
    Continuous homogeneous material with smooth surfaces, ensuring high resistance to mechanical loads and maintaining hygiene.
  • Precision and Longevity:
    Manufactured with modern technologies for excellent dimensional accuracy and long-lasting use.

Product Highlights:

Pig Troughs: Available in various sizes to cater to different age groups and weight classes.

Cattle Troughs: Adapted to the unique feeding physiology of cattle.

  • Continuous homogeneous material, no coating abrasion
  • Resistant to heavy mechanical loads
  • Hygienically smooth surfaces, low joint content
  • Very high dimensional accuracy and longevity

The special material composition and the most modern manufacturing technologies provide the ACO polymer concrete outstanding quality.

Check our troughs assortment below:

Trough TS 28 V - For sows
Article no. 18444

H:150/220 x W: 300 x L: 1000 mm
Weight: 36,5 kg
Volume: 30 l/m

Trough TS 35 - For sows
Article no. 01667

H: 168/218 x W: 390 x L: 1000 mm
Weight: 28,3 kg
Volume: 38 l/m

Trough TS 36 - For sows
Article no. 02571

H: H: 180/300 x W: 410 x L: 1000 mm
Weight: 34,5 kg
Volume: 42 l/m

Trough TS 47 - For finishers
Article no. 01585

H:180 x W: 530 x L: 1000 mm
Weight: 29,5 kg
Volume: 55 l/m

Trough TS 41 - For finishers
Article no. 03191

H: 180 x W: 460 x L: 1000 mm
Weight: 28,7 kg
Volume: 50 l/m

Trough TS 50 - For finishers
Article no. 02101

H: 180 x W: 580 x L: 1000mm
Weight: 34,5 kg
Volume: 65 l/m

Special troughs:

Trough TS 35-50 - For encased in concrete
Article no. 09550

H: 17/22 x W: 38,5 x L: 50 cm

Trough TS 35-50 - For encased in concrete
Article no. 09552

H: 17/22 x W: 38,5 x L: 60 cm

Trough TS 36-49,5 - With plug
Article no. 18333

H: 16,8/21,8 x W: 38,1 x L: 49,5 cm

Troughs for cattle:

Trough KL60
Article no. 09655

Length: 100 cm
Weight: 30 kg

Trough KL100
Article no. 18628

Length: 100 cm
Weight: 42,5 kg

Trough KM60
Article no. 02080

Length: 60 cm
Weight: 24 kg