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Curtains for INN-O-CORNER
Better conditions for piglets

The curtains are designed for INN-O-CORNER piglet nest and provide even better conditions for the piglets. Placing the curtains on the edge of the piglet nest helps to increase the average temperature in the nest by 2°C. At the same time, it helps to prevent draught, giving better conditions for the piglets.

Save more than 50 EUR in energy every year per nest

The test results show, that by using the curtains it is possible to reduce energy consumption by 18%. Thus, the energy consumption for keeping the desired temperature without the curtains was measured to 88 Watt per hour per nest, while with the curtains it resulted in 73 Watt per hour per nest.


W/hourkW/yearSavings per year, kWSavings per year, EUR*
Without curtain88771--
With curtain7364013152

* Based on the price per kW is 0,4 EUR.